1. No book shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the Librarian and until it has been properly entered in the issue Register and the entry is arrested by the borrower.
2. Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before those are issued. otherwise incase of damages, mutilation found later, the responsibility will lie with the borrower.
3. Books shall be returned within the period allowed to a borrower.
4. When the date of returning a book falls due on an authorised holiday, it should be returned to the library on the day of the opening of the college after the holiday.
5. All books belonging to the library and in possession of the borrower shall be returned to the library before the college is closed for a long vacation on or before the date notified for the purpose.
6. Anybody having a library book shall have to return the same immediately whenever he receives a requisition notice from the librarian/Principal.
7. Books taken out of the library must be returned to the librarian or the Assistant Librarian at the counter.
8. No marginal, other notes or any marking shall be made in the library books, nor shall any pictures or pages be removed or torn and otherwise disfigured. In such cases the borrower may be asked to replace the book damaged by him/her.
If replacement is not possible he will have to pay the 10 times of the cost of the book.
9. A borrower against whom any overdue or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library and shall not be allowed to withdraw his library deposit until the library dues are cleared.
10. All those, who may happen to be inside the library on in the reading room or in its neighbourhood are expected to observe silence.
11. The library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting the books and periodicals of the library.
12. Spitting, smoking, sleeping inside the library or Reading Room is strictly forbidden.
13. The following is the list showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to various classes of borrower.
(a) Member of the teaching Staff - 5 each
(b) Head Clerk, Librarian & laboratory assistant - 3 each
(c) Clerks - 2 each
(d) Class IV Employees - 1 each
(e) Student
(i) Degree (Hons) Class - 2 each
(ii) Degree (Hons) Class - 1 each
(iii) Intermediate +2 Class - 1 each
14. A book once issued to borrower may be re-issued to him only when nobody else wants to take the book. books before re-issue shall be represnted to the librarian for necessary entries in the issue register.
15. Prescribed text books shall be issued to the Lectures & students only.
16. The Principal, in consulation with the Officer-in-charge of the library and the Library Commitee may frame any rule from time to time for the smooth running of the library.